Company Law Question Paper' 2012 (Old course), Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th Sem

Company Law Question Paper
2012 Old Course
Dibrugarh University B.Com 4th Sem
Full Marks: 70, Pass Marks: 30

1. (a) Discuss briefly various constituents for company law administration in india.  14

(b) What is Article of Association? What are its important contents? How can the articles be altered?  3+6+5=14

2. (a) What do you mean by a Share? Explain various kinds of share that may be issued by a company.  4+10=14


(b) Write short note on the following:     7x2=14
(i) Issue of share at a premium
(ii) Issue of share at a discount

3. (a) What is charge? Explain the purpose of registering charges. What is fixed charge?    4+6+4=14


(b) What is floating charge? Explain the procedure for registration of charges.            4+10=14

4. (a) What is a Register of members? What are its objects? In what circumstances, alteration can be made in it without the sanction of court?    3+4+7=14


(b) What is an “Annual General meeting” of a company? Outline the business usually transacted at this meeting. State the statutory rules governing the holding of annual general meeting.  3+5+6=14

5. (a) How are directors appointed in a company? What restrictions have been imposed by the companies act in respect of appointment of directors?  4+10=14


(b) Define a “Managing Director” of a company. Discuss the statutory restrictions on managing director’s appointment and remuneration.  4+10=14